Hey Everyone,

Check out our new website on the Natural Science Page at 
The new webpage is currently being edited but should be up and running soon!
Our first club meeting will be September 3rd at 7pm in room C304 in Wells Hall.
We'll be going over the club and what we're changing and hope to see you all there!

Nate Stemberger
Actuarial Science Club President 

Hey guys!

Just a friendly reminder that the filming for the Towers Watson presentation will be held on Monday, March 31st from 1-2 pm in C304 Wells. Alumni from the club will be speaking about the recent development of the program and many other interesting details, so don't miss out! Again this is not restricted to only Actuarial Science majors, Feel free to bring others with a related major (Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, etc.) to the presentation!

We are still looking to fill a couple executive board positions. If interested, please respond to this e-mail answers the questions below and the position you are interested in. If you would like to contribute to the club next year in other ways or positions that are not listed below, ideas are always welcome! The last chance to apply will be March 30th. That way, we will have enough time to be able to train officers for their duties.

1. What year are you (freshman, sophomore, junior)?

2. How committed are you to staying with actuarial science through your college career?

3. Have you taken any exams and/or when do you plan to take you next actuarial exam (and which exam(s))?

4. How long have you been with the club and how regularly do you attend meetings?

5. Have you had any past internships and/or will have one this summer? If so, where and what will you be doing?

6. Why do you think you will excel in this position? 

7. Do you have any experience in leadership positions of clubs, sports, etc. (high school counts)? And if so what would you say is the most important thing you learned in this(these) position(s)? If you have not had any leadership experience, why do you think you will be a good leader?

8. *****If elected, what ideas could you offer to better the club for next year?*****

You can apply for 5 positions. Below is a brief description of each:

President: The President of the club is responsible for most of the  
organizational aspects involved with having a club. This includes  
re-registering the club in the Fall, setting up professional development sessions (i.e. resume critiques),
keeping track of scheduled meetings, being a source of  
information to club members, along with helping the other officers  
with their duties, and updating the club website. Someone who is not afraid to take on a leadership  
role along with club responsibilities would be great for this position

External Vice President: The External Vice President is responsible  
for contacting the companies that visit the club and helping them  
set up their presentations. Communication skills are very important  
for this position, as this person serves at the mediator between the  
club and the companies.

Internal Vice President: The Internal Vice President is responsible  
for communicating with the club members, such as sending out meeting  
reminders and answering any questions that members might have.  
Communication skills is also important for this position as well as  
the ability to reach out to club members and help them get  
acquainted with the club.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for organizing the club financial account 
and collecting dues in order to gain club membership.They will stay in contact with the 
Club Financial advisor and handle any reimbursement forms. Honestly is key for
this position. 

Social Chair: The Social Chair is  
responsible for informing MSU students about the club in order to  
gain club membership. Sparticipation in the Fall is one of the  
Social Chairs's biggest opportunities to reach out to  
interested students. This position is also in charge of planning  
club social events throughout both semesters.

actuary handout.pdf actuary handout.pdf
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actuarial_jimmy_sept20.pdf actuarial_jimmy_sept20.pdf
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